The State of Nevada is helping communities save a combined $300,000 annually in energy costs by switching streetlights and traffic siginals to LED lights.Funding for the project is being provided by the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act and an Energy Efficiency and Community Block Grant. “The funding allowed a large initial capital investment in LED street lights, which otherwise wouldn’t have been possible in the current economy.” said Fallon City Engineer Jim Souba.
Switching to LED streetlights and traffic lights will allow cities and towns around the state to reduce operating costs. The LED lights will not only slash energy bills, they have an expected lifespan of 15-20 years. The old high pressure sodium bulbs used now last only 3-5 years. Communities will save thousands more each year through reduced maintenance and replacement costs. The LED streetlights also produce a more natural white light compared to the yellow light of HPS streetlights providing better visibility for drivers. They also focus there light more on the street where it is needed reducing light pollution into the sky and neighboring windows.